Library winter 2015. Read between the lines

Nothing’s black and white this winter; intrigue, decadence and bold hues abound with Library winter 2015.
When designing the winter 2015 collection, I had a real library and book appreciation moment. I was getting in the mood for the darker months ahead and although the indulgence of reading a book from cover to cover may not actually be a reality, the thought alone was exciting enough!
I‘m in awe of the look of a floor to ceiling bookshelf crammed with books, stacked as high as the eye takes you. In Italy once, I saw the most incredible book shop. At first it looked like a total mess with books piled everywhere, but looking closer, there was a weird order to the place.
I also go a little mad for a highly stylized and considered arrangement of books in a library, arranged by colour, size, age and decoration and how they can be combined to create an intriguing overall aesthetic. Who needs the Dewey decimal classification system when you have incredible looking books!
Now for a few confessions...
Number 1. I would never declare myself a book worm or to know much about literature, but I do love a good read. To be honest, nowadays when I tuck into bed at night with my book I tend to fall asleep before I make much progress!
When putting together some of my favourite reads to name the shoes in the Library collection though, I was truly surprised at just how much I loved and remembered these particular books.
I’m thrilled to be celebrating some of my personal well-loved classics with you, a nod to some very special reads.
Number 2. I love to snoop into someone else’s library. Seeing what the unsuspecting person who has invited me into their home likes to read, what has influenced their attitudes and how they arrange their stacks, for me is better than looking through their bathroom cabinet any day!
So break the spine and unfold the mystery by taking a tour of Library.

Posted in: Imagery