Talking shoes and style with Kate Gaskin
We had the opportunity to ask VAMFF stylist Kate Gaskin a few shoe and style related questions which she kindly obliged to answer, even during her super busy schedule last week!
Do you have a special shoe memory from your childhood or teenage years?
I was a mad keen basketballer back in the day so all my pocket money used to go towards the latest pair of hightops- a favourite were definitely my first pair of Reebok Pumps!
If you could only own one pair of shoes, what type would they be?
Probably a staple black brogue- they're comfy, stylish and can work back with just about anything.
Where was the most memorable place/s your shoes taken you?
I spent a few years living in London many moons ago. Whilst it was one of the most memorable times of my life I found myself constantly broke! I took over a pair of black leather boots with me and wore them nearly every day as I couldn't afford to buy other shoes! They saw me through all the highs and lows of London life, and they're still hiding in my wardrobe to this day (looking very worse for wear mind you).
How do you store your shoes - are you a box stacker, a shoe rack, or a pile?
In my work life I'm pedantic about laying out shoes on set in an orderly and aesthetically pleasing manner, but for some reason my own shoes get very neglected and mistreated- definitely a throw 'em in the pile kinda girl.
When you arrive home, where do you kick off your shoes?
Coffee table, at door... Usually I go straight to my room as soon as I get home and kick off my shoes. Although if I'm wearing heels on appointments during the day they end up in my car straight after and I drive bare foot!
Follow Kate on Instagram @Kate_Gaskin